OK, making the stays was not that difficult at all, I did get lots of advice. Before I started I made up a stay made from cardboard, so that I could get the right fit. I used the stay pattern from J.P. Ryan and adjusted it as needed. The pattern called for me to put the stay pieces together and then sew the boning chambers onto the fabric, but I sewed the boning chambers on the fabric first just because I thought it would be much easier to handle that way. I used plastic for the two chambers by the eyelet lace ups in the back of the stay and bamboo for the rest.
I just need to put the lining in and the binding and I have a stay. I saved the stripe lining that came with the kit to make another stay.
The bamboo I used was in a roll and its made it hard to get a good picture of the stay. The bamboo is causing it to be bowed under around the edges, I'm sure wearing it will fix this.